Some of our recent projects:
- Handmade Baby Items We are collecting handmade baby blankets, sweaters and other items to include in our Diaper Bag Layettes and Emergency Toddler Backpacks for little ones in shelter. Give the gift of your valuable time and skills.
- Boots for Northern Kids in 2020-21 we provided many Inuit children with new warm snow boots this winter.
- Christmas Gift Envelopes for students in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. These small gifts are often the only ones these children will receive for Christmas. 2021 has been our most successful year to date and we have sent 1500 gift envelopes to northern communities.
- Every Child Matters In 2021 we collected and shipped 300+ new running shoes to Inuit communities in memory of the 215 residential children who never returned to their loving families. We will continue to send shoes to northern children in need.
- Back-to-School Backpacks for kids in Toronto shelters. Every September we distribute school supplies to local kids in need. In 2022 we also sent some Back-to-School Backpacks to the Yukon and Churchill, MB.
- Summer Early Learning Backpacks to Nunavut for young children in northern Canada to get them ready for success in school in the fall. In 2022 we sent 350 backpacks to northern youngsters to get a head start on school.
- Emergency Backpacks of basic necessities and clothes for women and young children who find themselves living in a shelter in Toronto without anything except the clothes on their back.
- Emergency Diaper Bags for pregnant and new moms living in shelters. Often it is when a women is bringing a child into the world that she makes the difficult decision to flee an abusive relationship. We offer diaper bags with a newborn layette to help her care for her newborn infant. In 2021 we expanded this programme beyond Toronto shelters to northern moms in Inuvik, and Fort Smith, NT.
- Food and Supplies to shelters and food banks in Canada. Poverty knows no geographic boundaries. We support food banks and soup kitchens anywhere in Canada that there is a need.
- Supplies to Elders living in remote parts of Canada to support projects that bring elders and students together to teach and pass on new and traditional skills.
- Masks for Front Line Workers & People at Risk during Covid-19 we made masks to donate to front line workers and those at risk at hospitals, seniors, volunteers at food banks. We gave 1500+ masks and this project is now complete.
Donate Today!

Head Start Backpacks for Northern Kids
Once again we are preparing to send Head Start Backpacks to young children in Nunavut and Northwest Territories. The literacy rate in many northern communities is often quite low and the hope is that by supplying learning tools for summer work the youngest students can get a head start on fall studies. Teachers, community leaders and RCMP officers support this program and distribute the bags to the students at the end of the school year.
“One elder shared something so special, I wanted to pass the message on. She told me that even walking in the door of the school can be hard for her, even though she knows everyone is kind there now. But seeing her grandkids walk out with gifts like these, watching them pack their backpacks for the cabin, and seeing them practice their skills over the summer, she said that helps her to heal and helps bring peace to her heart. I thought that was so beautiful. “
Your $50 donation will bring the joy of learning to a young northern child.

Help a student get a good
start at school.

Give someone in need the necessities of life.

Help bring people in communities together.